May 31, 2009


I've realized I've gotten a little off course with the theme of this silly thing. But, rest assured that I will get back on track at some point. In the mean time, here's a movie that I'm just dying to see:

how adorable.

May 21, 2009

my life plan:

1. New York in September.
2. Europe in January.

and that's as far as I've gotten.

May 19, 2009


I love Chuck and Blair. No scratch that; I live for Chuck and Blair. And my tivo'ed gossip girl was definitely the highlight of finals week! I can't wait for next season!!!!!!

May 12, 2009

love vs. work

You know the saying, "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life?"

Well... here's what I love. Lets combine them and try and find me a career, shall we?

1. Traveling
2. Food/wine
3. Art/music/film
4. Shopping/Fashion
5. Languages
6. Writing

Ok... go!
(and I graduate in a week and a half, so if you could come up with something before then and get me an interview - that would be great!)

May 4, 2009

If I ever have kids... had better believe he will be this adorable. I'm dying of cuteness. (photo from The Sartorialist.)